It's no secret that i'm watching ANTM since the very beginning,that's to Jurina stone.And it lasted till Cycle how time's not only cause of the pretty's also bout the drama and also the pix, seriously..i enjoy pretty pics..howeverrr..I actually had enuff of Top Model...and's not cause of Saleisha won..I was bitter true..but that's not the main reason I'm hating top model..
7. Have you looked at the latest cast?...seriously..what happen..last season was the prettiest for me...but alas they pick kiss ass Saleisha to win..whatever.I'm not gonna say fugly cause that's just plain me...but..what the?..
6.Mr. Jay...I can't take more of u...ur mean and full of it.
5.Nigel Barker...I've been on ur case since Cycle 3 when u shrug off one of the Japan judges comment''s one thing to shrug it's another to be actually saying ur looking for ANTM not what the hell are u doing in Japan..and need the Japan judge opinion..and he talks bout respect..jeeeeeez. Oh yeah and he's overly sensetive..go model somewhere..ur bugging my tv.
4.Racism...Tyra tends to keep some of the darker ladies a tad longer than they should...and I'm NOT the only one who notice this..exhibit A Dione..sure she's kinda pretty..but her pics..apakah..non is stunning..Exhibit B..Bianca, I'll give her credit..she does have a couple of good pics..but she's not top 4 material! Exhibit C...Jeada...she got the worst portfolio...ever!..ok not saying that only blacks lasted longer for this..there is...Anne and Jade...but the black gals seems to last longer than the whites or some other ethnic.There's more BTW, Bre..Eugena etc..
3."I'm not going to cast another black bitch " quoted Tyra in Cycle 3...HELLOOOOOOOOO ur still casting em..sshhhhhheeeeeeeeesh.What's that idiots name..i think it's god why is she even in the house..someone drown her plsssssss!Luckily she didn't last that long.
2.Tyra's a bully, I think tyra's overplayed showing Ebony (Cycle 9) and Cassandra downfall..I actually blame them for quitting but Tyra's really making a case out of it.Enough is enough bitch..u don't have to slap em on the face over and over.
1. TYRA BANKS...once upon a time I respected Tyra...well not anymore..I actually prefer watching Janice sometimes..rather than that phony Tyra.I especially hated when she's playing Jenah "U now found urself"...apa2 jer lah ngok.She already found herself..ur just making it hard for her.And let's face it..Plus size won't ever win..Sara seriously could have been there's Tocarra..but nooooo only in the middle.Tyra just wanna make herself look like a saint.They are other reasons under tyra,but it's just too much to list...whatever it is..I won't be watching..unless Milo or Jaa say it's actually good..Ala bukan rating jatuh pon aku tak tgk kan..
I now rest..