Ok tiba2 semua kuar serentak, tv sekarang gila best...list ehem mendl berjela2...nearly every day ada benda kena download..TAPI semenjak last week kena put on hold sat..hanya kerana account aku dah expire..dan orang selalu reload tuk aku cam hilang (beraya kot)...so terpaksa lah, ehem..menorrent...dimana from what i understand..dah diganggu oleh tmnet, which kinda make sense cause GILA BABI LAMA NAK DL satu benda HISH!.anyway cam 2 months back ah...sekadar tgk Project Runway ah kot..setakat nak layan buhsan..it was ok..but aku takder lah excited lompat2..mungkin episode drag queens lah kot yg paling shocking...and FUNNY.So here's a rundown on what i'm watching/or need to watch..
First up, sekarang nih aku obsess ngan show nih...tapi slowwwwwnyer nak download...ARGGHHHH, tapi me like it..it's an Australian version..yg American dah abih dimana aku sangat puas ngan pemenangnyer - Holly, aussienyer version...ladies agak outstanding...which me like...but fav adalah Sara, but me dont think she's gonna win..xpa ah Shanina will do also..belah laki ku suka Tom..he has the versace guy look...very classy.?Insert is Sara's pix...teka derang dubbed her cam sapa (seorang pelakon america)
Then of course me still watching JDMA dimana actually dah tahap whatever...sama cam ANTM gak ah..tapi awek2 dlm tuh cun...so tak salah pon usha kan..Fav still Crystal Truehart, dan latest Fav is Xian..ha perempuan nih cun sial
Then we have Survivor Gabon..baru start...not bad for a starting..me thinks it'll be hard to beat the last season AND China but tgk jer ah...jgn boring cam...erm b4 China udah lah...setakat nih takder fav lah kot..Paloma seems cute though..hmmm mungkin Bob ah...ok aku menyokong Bob, seorang pakcik kekewl
Next..still running good nearly every season TAR..yg aku baru dapat tau semalam dan baru tgk 2nd ep tadi...i missed the first ep, phil masih boring dan tiada charisma..where is jeff when need him..or at least Razli.Anyhoo this season aku agak rasa ok ngan cast...mainly cause semua cam average joes...xda beauty queens, actress, spokesmodel blah2..(hint2)...me especially like Team Ibu dan Anak...seriously rooting u guys...kuar awal pon tak kisah..i'm a sucker for team moms! (kecuali season mana entah yg tak abih2...we're nfl wifez), ep tadi juga aku tgk seorang laki yg penuh emosi dimana aku rasa nak gelak gila...pelik sial...dan juga wanita2 perasan hebat...i'm all for girl power..tapi tak yg seover miker nih.."we dont need men..we rule..blah2"..ha tgk separuh jalan...PESTA BIMBO...padan muka 10x...aduh seronoknyer aku tgk team nih crash and burn.
TAR asia, kalau korang perasan..aku actually emosi skit ngan cast season nih...semua celebs..poyo sial...tambah dari thai...occupation sana semua beauty queens ke??..tapi after 4th ep...last2 aku gelak ha ha gak ah...season nih susah gilaaaaaaa!...sumpah susah..i don't want to be in their shows..so HAHA (nelson simpsons)...dan for the record..aku memula tak suka team ida nerina dan heiress tuh...tapi setelah tgk lama lama...walaupon mmg derang gedik/acting memejam...at least they had fun...yg lain semua veins popped jer memanjang...oh dan team india dah lesap HAHA!
hmmm actually kena tido...esok kojer pagi kul 6...adeii...aku continue kelak..mesra
hehe kan kan.. susah gile TAR Asia! Dan team India both gone hehe..
gelut semacam...yo-yo nak kuar separuh jalan hanya semata takleh start kereta...PANG karang
eh mlm nih 5th ep!
ouh aku suka juga team mother-son coz u know why and another saucy reason! :P
aku juga suka team siblings dan the geeks agak kewl.. hate the fraternity boys yg maha poyo
the bimbos bodoh! baca clue bebetul pliss!
i didnt know ur into MILF?
dan bimbo mmg bongok...kalah southern bells tuh..
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