Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan : Setakat apa yg aku ingat

So just got back from Inkheart(terima kasih Ju kerana book)..ada lah 2 burung kata it sucked earlier...and..*drum actually did...a lil..takla teruk sampai bad terus..tapi lackluster gak ah...firstly I was expecting Fantasy! (cam Stardust) tapi...derang tak masuk2 pon dlm buku tuh pon..all we get are flashbacks oh and that thing near the end..(tuh ok gak ah)...then Helen Mirren!...WTF..watak gila entah apa2..lawak dia satu pon aku rasa tak lawak..tak berjaya weih and same can be said bout Brendan thinks dlm nih dia lost his charm..aku suka dia zaman2 Blast From the Past, George, Mummy 1 dan 2 (not 3) dlm nih cam...meh. Pastuh banyak gak ah benda yg cam dan dan...oh come onnnnn! So in conclusion...I was expecting Fantasy but what I got was another Terabathia..minus the excellent storyline.

p/s: kehadapan ju, mmg Jennifer Connelly bukan Demi Moore..demnit! kerut mereka hampir seiras weih

Dan skrg yg lain2 aku tgk sepanjang Jan, compile jer sekali gus kan senang.First up Alphabet Killer yg dibintangi oleh that Hottie Eliza Dushku..ceritanyer sekadar ok jer lah kot..boleh ke aku ckp expected?..cause seriously i got a weird vibe from the supposed killer early on..oh well(ckp lah aku terror plsss!)Erm apa lagi menarik yeh? actually nothing lacks the investigation part in which aku actually really looking foward to..but it went heavy on character dimana bagi aku ok jer lah kot..Watch it only if ur a fan of Faith..aka Eliza Dushku cause ada surprise scene :D tee hee hee.

Boogeyman 3; tidak ada kait dengan yg 1st nor the 2nd..which is good cause the 1st sucked major (tapi ku agak suka the 2nd)..whats good bout this from the 2nd is that they actually brought back the boogeyman (spoiler for 2nd i know, sue me) But the bad thing is that they added roaring effects to the Boogeyman and im like W.T.H?


Terus turn dah elok(in a way) tiba2 roaring..cheh gila. Storywise..normal lah kot..few cool kills, jumpy moments..tapi overall..bolehlah kot..tonton then delete ke recycle bin. BTW the lead looks A LOT like Eliza Dushku @ some angles.

Pulse 3; Cam sial...first 20 min was ok I guess pastuh mula lah pesta boring round2 dunia kosong..seriously...stop making Pulse..buat malu Kairo jer.

Resident Evil Degeneration; Nih 1st movie yg aku tgk dari DVD Mohdel..boleh lah tahan..masa kat airport coolness tapi masa kat lab..sigh skit..for me lah.Effect diakui cun. But still I prefer Mila coming back pls.

Scarce : Kisah cannibals..erm nothing new sangat..except ada adengan tarik kuku, babi sangat adengan camnih!..but tuh jer ah standout..lain aku dah lost..mungkin due to the production value yg agak low kot.

Midnight Movie : First time aku tgk cover dan sypnosis..terus terimbas kenangan tgk Demons yg gila campy but freakin fun (dimana aku sorang jer suka dlm group uni aku..siap kena cemuh!)anyway plot aku bayang cam sama jer..tgk2 lain..tapi still cool..idea dah ada..TAPI..aiyak..banyak gila fail.Lakonan har har, character sekor2 mmg bengong gila tak terkejut miker mampus dan paling kecewa..the killer...aiseh..FAIL!..alat dia guna tuh pon cam aku leh geleng pala tgk.Cadangan aku...jgn tgk kot..tunggu kena remake 10 tahun lagi.

Outlander : Nih tgk last week ngan John Dorian aku..officially the first movie i saw this year..and it was oklah kot.B grade fun dan nasib I had great company tgk movie nih sekali dimana banyak gila spoof direka on the spot. Anyway..paling best bagi aku tentang monster movie nih adalah the monster itself..not too shabby. Overall...boleh lah nak layan tgk aksi dan monster plus vikings (yg terlalu clean i might add) Think 13th Warrior with monsters..kot.

And finally nih khas buat Cik Bratty anda harus tgk cerita nih..Amusement.Dia cam ada 4 segment. 1st kisah Trucker gila, 2nd kisah CLOWN (yes CLOWN), 3rd kisah mental ward kot...aku pon confuse..then 4th segment where everything came full circle in a labyrinth? Cerita 1 dan 3 sangat lah lalalalala tambah yg 3..aku sampai struggle skit nak ingat apa jadik kat 3rd story.

But the 2nd!...gila serammmmmmmmmmm! Clown too spooky i know why u hate clowns..aku still tak sampai tahap phobic ah but kata ada orang kasik as present HAH! thank you. Final story pon kinda lari2 dlm maze...but the biggest downfall cerita nih adalah the very obvious plot hole!...anyway..Cik Lyna..try lah usha..i dare ya.

I end with LOST dah start!...dan Dela also SKINS season 3!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Delaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...moh ah... :((

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Book me

Title tuh perasan..tapi this year collection horror movie bakal datang agak banyak dan menarik (x lupa pesta remake gak).TAPI..BIG problem is..tayang awal ke..1 bulan lambat ke atau taram 1 tahun terus...tuh problem aku..take Saw 5 for example, aku sampai sanggup dl Screener copy cause gila "gersang" sangat nak tgk cerita nih.So tgk lah cerita nih dlm keadaan gelap ya amat hence gila struggle nak make out whats happening. (terus dapat rating moderate, in which aku rasa if tgk dvd copy pon sama jer kot) this year...agak a handful yg aku excited nak tgk..of kos first one is.

My Bloody Valentine YG ENTAH BILA NAK KUAR!..release patut minggu nih ah...tapi after 10,000x check GSC cam xda kabar berita pon...agak bengang lah, cause 1.3D! syok..confirm if ajak Dels/Mills dapat jeritan jeritan hebat. 2. The original agak cool, aku dah lupa skit..cause ada lah 5 thn lalu kot tgk kat astro..yg pasti ada 1 whining bitch yg aku rasa nak tendang. 3. Jensen aka Dean Supernatural..bila lagi nak tgk mamat nih kat big screen? Nak tambah stress..aku duk baca interview, early reviews dan tgk promotion...semua gila gila tempting ....arghhhhhhhh!...baboon tul..if kuar wayang DAN dlm 3D, sapa2 sila holler...aku nak lari gi tgk.

Then of kos we have my most awaited...Friday the 13th..yeaaah! Abg Chik(dan dan) kembali...rindu gila all those mindless running and screaming stalking scenes in the woods or wherever lah..janji ada kejar2...I live for those scenes.Tapi aku dapat rasakan cerita nih either 1 gila lambat kuar malaysia...or 2 tak kuar terus..sigh.

So far those 2 are my most awaited ah, tapi bila masuk page En Arrow fav reviewer gua...gila banyak lagi menarik..we have Night of the Demons remake dimana aku went love the original..campy,but fun (yg sequels porn murah)

Then we have some unknowns (at least for me) seperti Sorority Row, tgh promo gambo dan wow sat..pastuh tgk plot lagi aku wow gila, get this;


A group of sorority sisters try to cover up the death of their house-sister after a prank gone wrong, only to be stalked by a serial killer

wohooo! more running and screaming and guessing...suka3..ah rindu zaman cerita2 camnih kuar mendadak..and then ada satu lagi nih The Uninvited, tak pernah masuk radar aku langsung..but this image alone sold me!

Thats it kot yg aku awaited..ada lagi..but nih yg paling buat aku all giddy ah..oh there's another one..The Wolfman..never seen the original but the teaser poster sold am there. Just hoping semua kuar on time..or at least 1 bulan lambat..tuh jer time limit aku sanggup tunggu sebelum gi ker alternative. p/s : no H2 tiada dlm list cause aku hated the remake.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nah the remaining 10

Before me go on, shout out pada Syah yg nyambut bday dia 2 hari I said..sorry x dapat datang..saya kojer,what to do kan.Dan big Birthday shout to ibu ku harini..aku malas being i leave it at that..(lagipon bukan dia baca blog aku nih pon).Dan last kepada Eda yg BAKAL sambut..aku ckp awal2 cause dah alang2. Ok my 10..aku terpaksa cheat skit..proceed to know why.

10. 4bia (bkn Labia)

Sangat senang kenapa no 10.Cause cerita #1 gila menakutkan..aku siap pandang atas bila expecting "something" will turn up.I was THAT freaked out, henz kat sebelah aku taktau lah. Cerita # 2 aku kentut jer(lagipon sbb nih cerita nih jatuh skit ke 10). # 3 gila like me like..para pelakon berjaya dan dialog fani. # 4 sekali lagi BABI...hantu gila menakutkan..sialan tul.Anyway good flick tak sia2 cuba luck.

Fav Scene : Cerita #1 bila dah start satu rumah blackout..aku taknak pandang apa dah..aku tau aku tgk atas...unless tiba2 ada benda lak takmo!

9. Yes Man dan Get Smart

Baboon aku miss count.Terpaksa cheat skit. Ok which one first.Kenapa aku suka Get Smart?..cause 1 nostalgic..aku ingat gak skit2 masa kecik aku ada tgk series nih then we have the leads who is hawt (Hathway) and funny gila (Carrell) respectively.Though some may hate Steve Carrell for being annoying..I dig him.(tapi actually i do wish dia kurang bebel)

Yes Man pula bagi aku terlalu cute..selama nih bagi aku cerita Jim lawak gila jer, but this one is a gem. Ada beberapa babak bagi aku comel. I.E dia nyanyi tuk selamatkan some weirdo then part dia tarik the lead chic masa time hujan tuh..again..cute. I'm getting all butterflies now :-) (khas tuk Dela)

Fav Scene;

Get Smart : Agent Smart nari ngan this big chic..coolness
Yes Man : Of kos the 3rd Eye Blind Scene

8.Eden Lake

Nasib aku sempat tgk the very last week of 2008 nih.Mula cam nak lalala-kan jer..tapi dah bila officemate sekor dah takleh jadi nih.Anyway..cerita nih bagus..sangat bagus..aku rasa nak tendang jer sekor2 kanak2 riang dlm cerita tuh...malah mmg aku mintak lah lead nyer cari lah kereta mana2 langgo sorang2 (thankfully it did happen, in a way)Apa2 cerita nih shocking..seriously shocking.

Fav Scene : Ada budak nih kena burn alive..sesungguhnyer biaq betul.


Aku suka buaya..ekornyer panjang..dah abih.

Fav Scene : Part nak cross guna rope tuh...kaki aku lak ternaik2...tapi celaka nothing happen..xpa2 at least aku expressive.

6. Harold and Kumar 2

Terkejut tak terkejut? Oh well, aku suka cerita nih..road trip movie yg gila bangang tapi di mana me like.Plus situasi satu satu kejadian gila pelik.Tak lupa juga yg watak2 the leads jumpa gila in a funny way.NPH Rules!

Fav Scene : Part kat all blacks town...i really didnt see that coming.Ala actually banyak scene best..i.e bottomless scene was a riot!

5.Midnight Meat Train

Agak kecewa besar terlepas kat pawagam.Dan juga aku gila slow nak tgk cerita nih..tapi when I saw it..fuh..jaw dropped..gore fest!..aku lain boleh..tapi bila part kuku (atau needle) ishk...cringe sat.Pastuh the reason for all the killings agak tergamam gak ah (apakah pon ada).Apa apa...SUKA SUKA SUKA

Fav Scene : Errr eye balls pop out..kalau 3-D kan best


I'm being slightly bias here. The only reason this movie could reach this high is cause aku tgk kat wayang dengan pakar2 jerit yg membuatkan movie experience aku lebih exciting. And it's all thanks to the trio Dels-Mills-Kecks. Anyways sampai sekarang aku cant decide which is dua2 win jer lah leh? But for quarantine the 2 reasons i prefer it more than the latter is cause of 1.Jennifer Carpenter and 2.Pacing laju skit.


3.Bee Kind Rewind

Cerita nih wat aku go halaa..cause banyak benda yg buat aku sebut only if.Only if I have the balls to do that and that and that(am referring to making my own movies yeh) dan to hell with what other think when i showcase it(nih if gak)Plus scene re imagining mereka gila lawak.Jack Black Rules!...u hear me Mohdul..RULEZ!

Fav Scene : Re imagining Ghost Busters..gila lawak expression Jack Black..oh dan the sweet ending.

2.The Dark Knight

Perlu ke aku sebut? I mean dah banyak orang letak nih in their list with their own reasons in which kebanyakkan sama jer ngan apa kata aku save time dan ckp cerita nih best jer..malah terlalu best. Oh take note aku suka Harvey Dent..kesian kena overshadow ngan Joker, cis.

Fav Scene : Ferry scene..nuff said.


PFFTTTTT this is my list..aku tau tentu ada yg cam hish..whatever aku suka Cloverfield..tergoncang2 aku tunggu nak tgk cerita nih awal tahun..malah aku tgk 3 kali kat wayang, if thats not enuff to prove that I love this movie..i dunno what will.Aku agree mmg ada flaws dan ketidak logic-annyer..tapi..baaahh fiction beb fiction!..oh dan Marlena hot. (note : rupanyer wanita bontot di cover Unborn adalah wanita bongok dlm cerita nih yg nyusahkan bf dia gi jalan jauh semata2 nak selamatkannyer) To sum it up aku nak quote Kazumi "cerita nih buat aku rasa cam berada di tempat kejadian tuh sendiri" EXACTLY!.

Fav Scene : Bila binatang tuh tiba2 muncul depan miker dan dari belakang tiba2 askar2 juga went gun happy..dan kemudian nampak Marlena franticly trying to get out of the way..bagi aku sangat berjaya scene tuh..dan Marlena hot.

If tak puas sila email ke
Nearly made the list : Narnia Caspian Kayu, Vantage Point dan ehem..27 Dresses.
Disclaimer : Saya menulis nih dalam keadaan yg sangat mengantuk..jika ada termerepek..I apologize in advance..anda juga dibenarkan YM! aku esok pagi dan maki.And again..mesra.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Me likey these 20 movies

2008 was a good year..seriously..aku puas..with some minor disappointing movies i.e quantum solace, indy 4..but all in all bagus gak ah keluaran last year.These are my favs.

20. Mamma Mia

In all seriousness this is a stupid flick..however..I can't help but love thinks ABBA is cool enuff. (i'm so gonna get burn after this)

Fav Scene : Part Mamma Mia, Meryl Strep gila cute rasa nak tekan2

19.Definitely Maybe

Lovely flick, it was either this or 27 dresses but ultimately Isle Fisher won me over Katherine Heigl. Oh the kid is cute as a button too.

Fav Scene : Cerita Isle Fisher's dad (in the movie)

18.Pineapple Express

Stoner flick..lama tak layan stoner flick yg aku rasa lawak gila...last was Jay and Bobs films kot..apa2 aku rasakan cerita nih lawak..kudos to James Franco who surprisingly act well as a stoner.

Fav Scene : Anything that involves Red

17. The Strangers

Though it's mighty slow, I love it!It was weird it was chilling plus it had a great cast. Me only problem is the pacing and how abrupt the ending was.

Fav Scene : Is Tamara home?....brrrrrrrrrrrr

16. Horton hears a Who

Never thought I would like it, in fact this movie stayed in my pc for quite some time before I decided to see it.The strongest point why I love this movie is the message. Think of it like Meet the Robinsons last year...highly underrated.

Fav Scene : err the elephant's determination to help the who near the end.


If not for the sudden change to Mediaeval times I would rate this movie much much higher (i know grammatically incorrect but it sounded nice)Anyhoo me like how it pays homage to loads of flick and! The lead (Rhona Mitra) is Haaawwwtt ~~~~ (nada choir)

Fav Scene : The chic fight --meow!

14. Taken

Recommended by J.T, and it was good..truth be told me never heard of this movie, but it was good, intense..action packed and it stars Maggie Grace..eheheh.

Fav Scene : "Ok ok lets make a deal..*BANG!"...niceeeeee

13.Kung Fu Panda

Decided to hate it before it came out, dont ask me why..i wonder myself too.But turns out its a great flick.Really laughed a lot watching this flick. OH OH and the fights scenes are really well made a choreograph.

Fav Scene : The Training sequence.

12. The Ruins

It had a great villain/monster..nuff said.Plus mucho points for the gore.

Fav Scene : Laura Ramsey changing..i kid u not.

11.Tropic Thunder

It took me a long time to watch this, first Nikkie borrowed me pen drive for quite some time (in which the movie is in). Then one whiny officemate complains a lot while we were viewing the movie which dampens me mood! (for fucks sake just watch the bloody movie)But it was worth it. I love how it relates to a lot of movie/real life actors. This movie mah mah mah mahkes me haaaapppyyyyy.

Fav Scene : A viet dude to Ben Stiller - "You Should have won an oscar"

Top 10 next post.Mesra.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Post Gatal

1 word...WAH! harus tonton

Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Turds of the Year

Coincidentally last year same nak get straight to the point. Last year agak banyak movie yg agak hebat suckiness level nyer. Here's MAH 10 :


Why : It garner loads of hype before even coming out, unbeknownst to me it was all due to the fact that chix are going gaga over Edward the lead...sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh! The movie was dull ...seriously dull.And the vampires...shesh..buhsannyerrrrrrrrr!..i know i know it's a love movie...but hey ada jer vampire love movie yg way cooler(kot..nothing comes to mind now..shitto)..ah whatever..all i know is that they ruin vampires mythology. should have leave this fiction to the books.

Saving Grace : Baseball scene..pretty cool

9.The X-Files

Why : Much anticipated movie..turn out to be a turd..another way boring movie..Where's the conspiracy?monsters?aliens?supernatural mumbo jumbo (ada skit actually)..what we got is another love story + some stupid random case.Haiyaaaaa! emo emo.

Saving Grace : Amanda Peet..lama x nampak di layar

8.The Forbidden Kingdom

Why : Come on u put Jet Li and Jackie Chan together and the outcome is crap? Hish..what a waste.Story and action wise was cool but yg lain fail.Production wise bagi aku laughable. Characters are lame...and Jet Li should stick with none speaking roles cam Devon Aoki. Mesra.

Saving Grace : Jackie Chan.

7. The Mummy 3

Why : Well why not? Where do i start...casting sucked..i.e new wife and brendan's supposedly 20ish y/o kid and even the god the Yetti sucked.It is cool derang try to make a mummy movie from China..but somehow it didn't work..oh fyi..production is also laughable here..gila cam main2 cerita nih dibuat.

Saving Grace : Eh i dunno..the was there a dragon?

6. 10,000 B.C

Why : It just sucked leh? Not to mention historically incorrect (well known fact by now) plus the theories and visions all are downright laughable

Saving Grace : Pakcik albino dengan suara kepit yg kuar dari hidden dungeon mana entah..he made my day.

5. Babylon A.D

Why : Cause i don't know where the direction this movie is going. Dan Michelle Yeoh buhsan.Kemudian aku lost kat tengah2..terus mengharap aksi lak..dimana OH buhsan maksima.

Saving Grace : Submarine scene

4. One Missed Call

Why : Sloppy...just plain sloppy.Leadnyer lak belakon cam tgh sleepwalking, Painful movie to watch..avoid.

Saving Grace : Megan goode's lurah dendam

3.Feast 2

Why : Personally for me it went downhill comparing to the ever awesome first Feast. The first was a fun ride..funny and gory. Now it's just gory with stupid jokes and weird sexual innuendo that i personally find sick. AND the onscreen dead baby...too much..i still have a line that I wish not to cross.

Saving Grace : Editing is still slick..and the biker chix are hot..kecuali makcik tuh.

2. Doomsday 2012

Why : Ok it's made for video..i should know what to tak actually i didnt expect nih..cause I wanted to watch Doomsday!..tgk2 cerita sialan buhsan mana entah yg mempunyai dialog yg sangat lucah dan lakonan yg sangat leh wat aku jatuh kerusi..the end..(yg bestnyer leh lak aku tgk sampai abih)

Saving Grace : Saving grace my fanny

1. Disaster Movie

Why : I know i should expect it..and i did (kalau tak spartans ngan superhero movie dah ada dlm list yeh)..but this is way bad, way way bad.Plot gila jumbled up pastuh banyak gila scene yg saja dipanjangkan nak fit 1 hr 15 min plus slot. And paling penting...tak lawak langsung..setakat lembu2 jatuh atas orang apa lawaknyer? Arggh pening2 tgk cerita nih kat pawagam (free tix yeh)

Saving Grace : End credits..seriously! ada lagu lawak gila.

Allright next up..the hot movies..
Nearly made the list : Indy Jones, The Happening, Shutter, Nims Island yg maha buhsan dan Zombie Strippers.