So just got back from Inkheart(terima kasih Ju kerana book)..ada lah 2 burung kata it sucked earlier...and..*drum actually did...a lil..takla teruk sampai bad terus..tapi lackluster gak ah...firstly I was expecting Fantasy! (cam Stardust) tapi...derang tak masuk2 pon dlm buku tuh pon..all we get are flashbacks oh and that thing near the end..(tuh ok gak ah)...then Helen Mirren!...WTF..watak gila entah apa2..lawak dia satu pon aku rasa tak lawak..tak berjaya weih and same can be said bout Brendan thinks dlm nih dia lost his charm..aku suka dia zaman2 Blast From the Past, George, Mummy 1 dan 2 (not 3) dlm nih cam...meh. Pastuh banyak gak ah benda yg cam dan dan...oh come onnnnn! So in conclusion...I was expecting Fantasy but what I got was another Terabathia..minus the excellent storyline.
p/s: kehadapan ju, mmg Jennifer Connelly bukan Demi Moore..demnit! kerut mereka hampir seiras weih
Dan skrg yg lain2 aku tgk sepanjang Jan, compile jer sekali gus kan senang.First up Alphabet Killer yg dibintangi oleh that Hottie Eliza Dushku..ceritanyer sekadar ok jer lah kot..boleh ke aku ckp expected?..cause seriously i got a weird vibe from the supposed killer early on..oh well(ckp lah aku terror plsss!)Erm apa lagi menarik yeh? actually nothing lacks the investigation part in which aku actually really looking foward to..but it went heavy on character dimana bagi aku ok jer lah kot..Watch it only if ur a fan of Faith..aka Eliza Dushku cause ada surprise scene :D tee hee hee.
Boogeyman 3; tidak ada kait dengan yg 1st nor the 2nd..which is good cause the 1st sucked major (tapi ku agak suka the 2nd)..whats good bout this from the 2nd is that they actually brought back the boogeyman (spoiler for 2nd i know, sue me) But the bad thing is that they added roaring effects to the Boogeyman and im like W.T.H?
Terus turn dah elok(in a way) tiba2 roaring..cheh gila. Storywise..normal lah kot..few cool kills, jumpy moments..tapi overall..bolehlah kot..tonton then delete ke recycle bin. BTW the lead looks A LOT like Eliza Dushku @ some angles.
Pulse 3; Cam sial...first 20 min was ok I guess pastuh mula lah pesta boring round2 dunia kosong..seriously...stop making Pulse..buat malu Kairo jer.
Resident Evil Degeneration; Nih 1st movie yg aku tgk dari DVD Mohdel..boleh lah tahan..masa kat airport coolness tapi masa kat lab..sigh skit..for me lah.Effect diakui cun. But still I prefer Mila coming back pls.
Scarce : Kisah cannibals..erm nothing new sangat..except ada adengan tarik kuku, babi sangat adengan camnih!..but tuh jer ah standout..lain aku dah lost..mungkin due to the production value yg agak low kot.
Midnight Movie : First time aku tgk cover dan sypnosis..terus terimbas kenangan tgk Demons yg gila campy but freakin fun (dimana aku sorang jer suka dlm group uni aku..siap kena cemuh!)anyway plot aku bayang cam sama jer..tgk2 lain..tapi still cool..idea dah ada..TAPI..aiyak..banyak gila fail.Lakonan har har, character sekor2 mmg bengong gila tak terkejut miker mampus dan paling kecewa..the killer...aiseh..FAIL!..alat dia guna tuh pon cam aku leh geleng pala tgk.Cadangan aku...jgn tgk kot..tunggu kena remake 10 tahun lagi.
Outlander : Nih tgk last week ngan John Dorian aku..officially the first movie i saw this year..and it was oklah kot.B grade fun dan nasib I had great company tgk movie nih sekali dimana banyak gila spoof direka on the spot. Anyway..paling best bagi aku tentang monster movie nih adalah the monster itself..not too shabby. Overall...boleh lah nak layan tgk aksi dan monster plus vikings (yg terlalu clean i might add) Think 13th Warrior with monsters..kot.
And finally nih khas buat Cik Bratty anda harus tgk cerita nih..Amusement.Dia cam ada 4 segment. 1st kisah Trucker gila, 2nd kisah CLOWN (yes CLOWN), 3rd kisah mental ward kot...aku pon confuse..then 4th segment where everything came full circle in a labyrinth? Cerita 1 dan 3 sangat lah lalalalala tambah yg 3..aku sampai struggle skit nak ingat apa jadik kat 3rd story.
But the 2nd!...gila serammmmmmmmmmm! Clown too spooky i know why u hate clowns..aku still tak sampai tahap phobic ah but kata ada orang kasik as present HAH! thank you. Final story pon kinda lari2 dlm maze...but the biggest downfall cerita nih adalah the very obvious plot hole!...anyway..Cik Lyna..try lah usha..i dare ya.
I end with LOST dah start!...dan Dela also SKINS season 3!!