Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cerita2 merapu minggu ini

Straight to the point; movie2 minggu nih dan beberapa yg dah lepas aku usha agak bagus dan sesuai di recommend kepada khayalak ramai. I'll start with movie cinema of the week. Lovely Boner.

Lovely Bones
After last weeks bust (ALICE IN WONDERBRA!!!!!) aku nekad nak tgk cerita bagus. It came down to Lovely Bones Or Edge of Darkness, and Lovely Bones won solely cause Peter Jackson's name is attached to it. Lama dah terdengar cerita nih, malah ramai gak member2 dah men-dl cerita nih, aku jer lupa. Kisahnyer budak nih mati kena bunuh tapi stuck in limbo-ish place looking in her parents in the real world. Budak nih..from viewers perspective , well at least for me..sangat sangat likeable , from the get go character minah ni di-introduce, aku dah go awwww nice kid. So when it is made known she'll die (murdered lak tuh) ..Bummer! Dalam cerita2 slasher most characters mmg in it are one dimensional/ annoying nak mampus, hence dead or not..we wouldn't actually give a damn. But when one character is likeable you'll root for it, that's what happened here, apart from the lead kid, pelakon2 lain juga highly likeable. (except the killer)

Ada satu part suspense nih aku gila cuak akan safety budak nih(bkn lead but also a likeable character), malah ada minah mana entah belakang aku duk jerit "CEPAT CEPAT"...tapi diakui adengan tuh gila well made, aku berdebar2 time nih. Now the opposite, killer tuh..gila aku benci, which is good cause wataknyer berjaya, lakonan dia berjaya. Banyak kali aku rasa nak choke slam mamat tuh.

Pacing cerita nih pon just nice, ada part fantasy yg sangat cool, ada part drama yg mmg patut ada, ada adengan suspense tiba2, dan ada juga part lawak in which agak off but whatever since Susan Sarandon yg berlakon. Overall cerita nih sangat bagus bagi aku, ending jer lah aku cam ish skit. Highly recommended

Sambung directly from the first film, aku taklah berapa in love ngan Rec1, aku love the remake lagi Quarantine. But Rec 2...WOW. Nicely done. Satu benda standout bagi aku ialah the explanation of the "outbreak". That was new, at least bagi aku.

Pacing bagi aku kali nih sangat bagus, problem bagi aku ngan Rec 1 adalah sbb pacing..I was bored up till the last 20 minute or so baru lah something worthwhile happen. Kali nih dari awal hingga abih ,laju. Suspen lak tuh, ada banyak adengan org kena cornered pastuh zomba nyer kiri kanan, trap..oooh scary shit. hehe.

Dan this time bukan satu jer camera, tapi 3 jenis camera berlainan yg digunakan. Which actually made the movie more exciting, cause dari POV org lain lak, (side note : hopefully Cloverfield 2 camnih lah) Dan they added teens into the equation..woahhh..kanak2 in peril. COOL! Tentu remake Quarantine2 (if ada, cause aku dengor ada) ragu2 nak add kanak2..kalau ada pon pelakon2 20-an pretending to be 13. Lastly ade feel cam dlm game, dia ada cam hidden clue here and there to find the big boss which made me go all excited and in awe. Another great movie..highly recommended if ur into this lah.

Kisah 3 wanita yg ingin mencari missing treasure..hmm tuh jer kot. I dunno how to fell bout it, part of me love it's corniness and part of me said HUH? Sng ckp cerita nih exploit lah gak kaum wanita. Ada satu adengan nih, 3 aweks nih tgh cangkul tanah..tiba2 sorang panas, so tuang lah satu baldi air sejuk atasnyer, tiba2 campak kat org sebelah, dan diteruskan ke org sebelah last2 semua pesta tuang air atas satu sama lain..aku....kagum. AHAHAHA, ada cerita camnih yeh. So by now you should know, plot cerita nih ZERO! Lakonan usah ckp ah, fail (kecuali the cute dark haired chic). Good thing is style cerita nih menarik dan really funny at times. Plus part lawan2 dia cool gak, oh look out for satu minah nih watak cam GO-GO Yubari from Kill Bill Vol 1, me likey. Tapi Go-go cooler. Not really recommended tapi usha ah if nak tgk cerita mengarut gila.

Crossing Over
Wow cerita nih datang dari mana entah. Aku tgk pon cause fikir rugi ada astro tapi tgk cam seminggu sekali jer. So usha jer lah apa ada di mlm ahad arituh dan this one looked interesting. Pesal immigrants kat States. Cerita nih leh kata bagaikan Crash, multiple stories that intertwine in one movie. Oh juga ia pesal race. How true or not the portrayal of immigration problems is aku xtaulah. But it's still an eye opener for me. Dan nak kata Americans are too harsh lak, tak gak. Cause bertubi2 manusia nak masuk negara miker illegally, tak ke stress? Entah ah..cerita political message nih aku tak berani sentuh. Yg aku tau cerita nih bagus.

Oklah nak gi pengsan atas katil, minggu ni hati suh tgk Frozen, tapi keeping the excitement low key. Over2 excited lak karang movienyer mengecewakan (dam u ALICE!)


fadz said...

Alice cam palat kan?

Siberkop said...

Likeable mcm Terabathia ker?

reza said...

fadz : agak hampeh yeh.

siber : boleh dikatakan gitu, tapi minah nih tween. tgk lah..kor ada bakat suka

Ed said...

owh crossing over is gooooood!!! aku tgk lama dah... tak ingat biler... kalau suka crash n babel... mmg suka la crossing over....