Friday, October 28, 2011

halloween week! day 4 & 5

Last night tengok Wrong Turn 4 : Bloody Beginnings. Sedar-sedar dah #4 ye.

Kali nih it's a prequel..the beginnings of the inbreeds!, I dunno why suddenly we're in this prequel craze phase, kekadang cam no point..ESPECIALLY kalau mmg dah tau movie ni prequel, cause obviously we know how it's gonna end...whatever lah at least something new to watch..kot.

It's near a good as #2 definitely better dari #3..started out pretty cool, with the origins of the inbreeds....then got really hot and sexy...slight mystery ahead..then some not too shabby gore moments (torture scene was RAD!)...then all of sudden the lead...LEAD ye..masa berjaya perangkap the inbreeds kata "we don't kill!..we don't wanna sink to their level" or something like that....and I went u gotta be kidding me????!!!!...worst idea ever wey!..lagi best semua yg tinggal which is agak banyak lagi agree...heeeeeeeeeeeeeh? bodoh bebenor....dan honestly after that..aku agak turn off cause bagi aku bunuh jer la semua character yg tinggal...Oh before that...aku suka black chic dlm cerita nih....coolness is you!

Day 5 spent tengok Don't be Afraid of the Dark with some friends yg lama tak hang out ngan.

Lakonan Katie Holmes ngan Guy Pearce! (aku xtau dia bakon cerita ni)...kisah dimana aku ingatkan memula haunted house tapi rupanyer kisah evil fairies(i'm gonna call em fairies) yang suka mkn gigi budak..nice.

Hmmm what to does got the old haunted house horror flick dulu dulu...u know...creepy and draggy..tapi kekadang draggy bebenor sampai rasa nak bunuh diri..but luckily (kekadang ah) it was outshine by the AHmazing got Guillermo written all over it...those woods design was nice!...

Creature nyer pon cool...tapi memula la...but it showed it's ugly mug shot...agak x berapa takut dah after. Apa lagi yeh..erm aku juga tak buy beberapa tindakan budak dlm cerita nih...but I can ignore it since dia budak. Hmmm apa lagi yeh...nothing kot...cause overall after you get over the amazing set...cerita nyer ok-ok je...OH ending nyer aku suka..tu je ah..hahaha...allrighty's halloween weekend! enjoy!


asrap virtuoso said...

Don't be afraid of the dark nih kalo compare ngan yg original (1973) mana best? I like Guillermo Del Toro, but dia cuma writer/producer jer utk movie baru nih kan?

thanezra said...

aku xnah tgk yg original bro..dan terus terang aku xtau pon ia remake until terbaca kat imdb :P...

haah just a writer...tapi set nyer mmg nampak ah datang dari kepala dia